Services & Packages
Birth & Postpartum

Birth Planning $75
Create a birth plan that best describes the birth you want, that is easy for a busy labor and delivery nurse to read and doesn’t have redundant practices and procedures that your birth center already adheres to. We will focus on the things that mean most to you and address your concerns and fears. The goal of this birth plan is to build your confidence around your birth and help you and your birth team be on the same page.
Planning your birth with Angela includes:
– A digital, comprehensive birth plan that can be edited, e-mailed, and printed for your convenience
– List of suggested things to pack in your birth bag and things your birth center will provide
– Solutions for you and your partner’s worries or fears around birth
– A copy of B.R.A.I.N for decision making during labor
– Information on the two vaccines and eye ointment that your birth-center will suggest (these medications are your choice) for your baby shortly after they are born with non-bias information on each medication.
Postpartum Planning $90
Postpartum plans are quite often overlooked and undervalued. No matter how your baby is born into this world, you will need time to recover. Yes, people have babies all the time. Yes, we quite often see them walking around like nothing happened, just days after giving birth. If these postpartum superheroes were wearing their wounds on the outside of their bodies, no one would expect them to do anything but care for their new baby, rest, and recover.

Your postpartum plan will be built specifically for you and your family’s needs. All Postpartum Planning packages will include:
– Meal Planning
– Baby Care
– Recovery and Postpartum care for vaginal and cesarean births
– Introducing baby to your fur baby
– Household Duties
– Managing Visitors
– Helpful tips & tricks to get baby to sleep longer